
The Growing Gap

  India's wealth gap is growing. The rich are getting richer, while the poor are getting poorer. This inequality can lead to social unrest and hinder economic growth. Interactive Version

Exponential Rise of Large Language Models

  LLMS are rapidly evolving. Major tech firms are locked in a fierce competition to develop increasingly sophisticated models, pushing the boundaries of AI capabilities. Interactive Version

French having second thoughts about Olympics

  Interactive Version

Batman Movies

 Created viz for Tableau's #DataPlusMovies challenge. This viz shows popularity of Batman movies by analyzing IMDB ratings and Number of votes for that movie. Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy still ranks ahead of other batman movies. Interactive version

A Toast to Wine Tasting Event

Welcome to wine tasting event dashboard! This interactive tool allows you to track the performance of tasters as they identify the grape and country of origin for each wine. With a scoring system that awards points for correct and partially correct answers, you can see how each taster fares in their knowledge of red and white wines. The dashboard is easy to use, with the ability to sort by Overall Score, Red Score, or White Score, and includes images in the table headings related to the Score Type. Join us as we explore the world of wine through the eyes of wine tasters! 🍷 Interactive version Tool Used:- Tableau

The power of your passport

 For makeover Monday I created this visualization to showcase how passports for different countries are ranked. Developed countries with better GDP enjoy more visa free destinations than other countries. One might say there is a positive correlation between countries’ GDP and number of visa free destinations. Singapore ranks #1 with Japan coming at #2, while Afghanistan and Syria rank at bottom. Interactive Version Tool Used: Tableau

Which of my products returned max and min sales?

 This crosstab visualization provides details on most in demand product and least sold product for each month. User can use this information to detect a pattern and better plan their inventory. Use category and year filter to further drill down on chart. Interactive Version Tool Used:- Tableau